Don’t miss out on The Diversity Doctor community.

Below are instructions on how to add the Diversity Doctor’s email to the safe sender list for all popular email providers so you will not miss any upcoming emails.


Highlight the email address then click "add contact" in the drop-down menu.

For more details about AOL mail, please visit the AOL Support Page.

Apple Mail (OSX)

Open the email and right-click the sender email address. Choose to “Add to Contacts” or “Add to VIPs.”

For more details about Apple Mail, please visit the Apple Mail Support Page.

Apple Mail (iOS)

Add the "From" email to the address book by opening the message and tapping the "From" email address. Then tap "Create New Contact" to input the address in the contacts list.

For more details regarding the Mail app, please visit the Apple Support Page.


Open the contact list. Then click "New Contact" and input the "From" email address.

For more details regarding Gmail, visit the Gmail Support Page.

Microsoft - Outlook/Hotmail/Office

Open the email and click the ellipsis in the right corner. From the menu, click “Add to Safe senders.”

For additional information about, visit the Support Page.


Click "Settings," then click “View all Outlook settings.” Navigate to Junk email. Next, go to "Safe senders and domains" and add the domain or specific email address that you would like to receive emails from. Then save your settings.

For more details regarding Office(365), please visit the Office Support Page.


From your Yahoo mailbox, click the ellipsis next to "Spam." Then click "Add Sender to Contacts.”

For more details regarding Yahoo Mail, visit the Yahoo Support Page.